In vivo imaging reveals increased eosinophil uptake in the lungs of obese asthmatics.Farahi N, Loutsios C, Tregay N, Wright KA, Berair R, Lok LSC, Gillett D, Cullum I, Simmonds RP, Summers C, Wong A, Solanki CK, Buscombe J, Pang PH, Thavakumar A, Peters AM, Brightling CE, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018; in press.
Radiolabelled leucocytes in human pulmonary disease.Farahi N, Loutsios C, Tregay N, Summers C, Lok LSC, Ruparelia P, Solanki CK, Gillett D, Chilvers ER, Peters AM. Br Med Bull 2018; in press.
Metabolic profiling of human eosinophils.Porter L, Toepfner N, Bashant KR, Guck J, Ashcroft M, Farahi N#, Chilvers ER# (# joint senior authors). Front Immunol 2018 Jun 21;9:1404.
Neutrophil-mediated IL-6 receptor trans-signaling and the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.Farahi N, Paige E, Balla J, Prudence E, Ferreira RC, Southwood M, Appleby SL, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Litonjua AA, Sparrow D, Silverman EK, Cho MH, Danesh J, Paul DS, Freitag DF, Chilvers ER. Hum Mol Genet 2017 Apr 15;26(8):1584-96.
Hypoxia causes IL-8 secretion, Charcot Leyden crystal formation, and suppression of corticosteroid-induced apoptosis in human eosinophils.Porter LM, Cowburn AS, Farahi N, Deighton J, Farrow SN, Fiddler CA, Juss JK, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Clin Exp Allergy 2017 Jun;47(6):770-84.
Clinical application of autologous technetium-99m-labelled eosinophils to detect focal eosinophilic inflammation in the lung.Loutsios C, Farahi N, Simmonds R, Cullum I, Gillett D, Solanki C, Solanki K, Buscombe J, Condliffe AM, Peters AM, Chilvers ER. Thorax 2015 Nov;70(11):1085-6.
Use of technetium-99m-labeled eosinophils to detect active eosinophilic inflammation in humans.Farahi N, Loutsios C, Peters AM, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2013 Oct 1;188(7):880-2.
Use of 111-Indium-labeled autologous eosinophils to establish the in vivo kinetics of human eosinophils in healthy subjects.Farahi N, Singh NR, Heard S, Loutsios C, Summers C, Solanki CK, Solanki K, Balan KK, Ruparelia P, Peters AM, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Blood 2012 Nov 8;120(19):4068-71.
Effects of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor R-roscovitine on eosinophil survival and clearance.Farahi N, Uller L, Juss JK, Langton AJ, Cowburn AS, Gibson A, Foster MR, Farrow SN, Marco-Casanova P, Sobolewski A, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Clin Exp Allergy 2011 May;41(5):673-87.
Interleukin-5 inhibits glucocorticoid-mediated apoptosis in human eosinophils.Brode S, Farahi N, Cowburn AS, Juss JK, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Thorax 2010 Dec;65(12):1116-7.
Eotaxin-1/CC chemokine ligand 11: a novel eosinophil survival factor secreted by human pulmonary artery endothelial cells.Farahi N, Cowburn AS, Upton PD, Deighton J, Sobolewski A, Gherardi E, Morrell NW, Chilvers ER. J Immunol 2007 Jul 15;179(2):1264-73.
Hypoxia-induced neutrophil survival is mediated by HIF-1alpha-dependent NF-kappaB activity.Walmsley SR, Print C, Farahi N, Peyssonnaux C, Johnson RS, Cramer T, Sobolewski A, Condliffe AM, Cowburn AS, Johnson N, Chilvers ER. J Exp Med 2005 Jan 3;201(1):105-15.
Eating their way out of trouble: selective uptake of apoptotic eosinophils by bronchial epithelial cells.Farahi N, Cowburn AS, Rossi AG, Chilvers ER. Clin Exp Allergy 2004 Oct;34(10):1503-6.
Role of PI3-kinase-dependent Bad phosphorylation and altered transcription in cytokine-mediated neutrophil survival.Cowburn AS, Cadwallader KA, Reed BJ, Farahi N, Chilvers ER. Blood 2002 Oct 1;100(7):2607-16.
Book Chapters
Use of radiolabelled leukocytes for drug evaluation in man.Loutsios C, Farahi N, Summers C et al. In: Moyer BR (ed) Pharmaco-imaging in drug and biologics development, Springer, New York, pp. 215-47 (2014).
Measurement of eosinophil kinetics in healthy volunteers.Farahi N, Loutsios C, Simmonds RP et al. In: Walsh GM (ed) Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, New York, pp. 165-76 (2014).
In vivo imaging of hepatic neutrophil migration in severe alcoholic hepatitis with 111-In-radiolabelled leucocytes.Potts JR, Farahi N, Howard MR, Taylor MR, Heard S, Shankar AN, Alexander GJ, Chilvers ER, Verma S, Peters AM. Biosci Rep 2018 Apr 26. pii: BSR20180466.
Effects of tocilizumab on neutrophil function and kinetics.Lok LSC, Farahi N, Juss JK, Loutsios C, Solanki CK, Peters AM, Donaldson F, Porter-Brown B, Chilvers ER. Eur J Clin Invest 2017 Oct;47(10):736-45.
Circulating granulocyte lifespan in compensated alcohol-related cirrhosis: a pilot study. Potts JR, Farahi N, Heard S, Chilvers ER, Verma S, Peters AM. Physiol Rep 2016 Sep;4(17). pii: e12836.
Biomarkers of eosinophilic inflammation in asthma.Loutsios C, Farahi N, Porter L, Lok LS, Peters AM, Condliffe AM, Chilvers ER. Expert Rev Respir Med 2014 Apr;8(2):143-50.
Granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor causes a paradoxical increase in the BH3-only pro-apoptotic protein Bim in human neutrophils.Cowburn AS, Summers C, Dunmore BJ, Farahi N, Hayhoe RP, Print CG, Cook SJ, Chilvers ER. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2011 Jun;44(6):879-87.
Live and let die: is neutrophil apoptosis defective in severe asthma?Parfrey H, Farahi N, Porter L, Chilvers ER. Thorax 2010 Aug;65(8):665-7.
Advances in neutrophil biology: clinical implications.Cowburn AS, Condliffe AM, Farahi N, Summers C, Chilvers ER. Chest 2008 Sep;134(3):606-612.
Prolonged survival of neutrophils from patients with Delta F508 CFTR mutations.McKeon DJ, Condliffe AM, Cowburn AS, Cadwallader KC, Farahi N, Bilton D, Chilvers ER.Thorax 2008 Jul;63(7):660-1.
Characterization of the survival effect of tumour necrosis factor-alpha in human neutrophils.Walmsley SR, Cowburn AS, Sobolewski A, Murray J, Farahi N, Sabroe I, Chilvers ER. Biochem Soc Trans 2004 Jun;32(Pt3):456-60.
Polymers of alpha(1)-antitrypsin are chemotactic for human neutrophils: a new paradigm for the pathogenesis of emphysema.Parmar JS, Mahadeva R, Reed BJ, Farahi N, Cadwallader KA, Keogan MT, Bilton D, Chilvers ER, Lomas DA. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2002 Jun;26(6):723-30.