Dr Frank Waldron-Lynch is a globally trained Physician-Scientist at the University of Cambridge, where he leads an a multifunctional Experimental Medicine Team that develops novel immunotherapeutic strategies to treat and ultimately prevent autoimmune diseases in patients. The aim of this programme is to accelerate the development of immunotherapies targeted to genetically validated human disease pathways in type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.
The experimental medicine programme is focused on adaptive mechanistic clinical trials of immunotherapies. By understanding the response of the human immune system to therapy we aim to establish the correct dose and frequency prior to testing clinical efficacy in disease.
For those interested in participating in studies of type 1 diabetes, please follow the link to request information about eligibility and enrolment.
Todd JA, Evangelou M, Cutler AJ, Pekalski ML, Walker NM, et al. (2016) Regulatory T Cell Responses in Participants with Type 1 Diabetes after a Single Dose of Interleukin-2: A Non-Randomised, Open Label, Adaptive Dose-Finding Trial. PLOS Med 13(10): e1002139. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002139
Heywood J, Evangelou M, Goymer D, et al. Effective recruitment of participants to a phase I study using the internet and publicity releases through charities and patient organisations: analysis of the adaptive study of IL-2 dose on regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes (DILT1D). Trials 2015, 16:86, doi:10.1186/s13063-015-0583-7
F Waldron-Lynch, P Kareclas, K Irons et al. Rationale and study design of the Adaptive study of IL-2 dose on regulatory T cells in type 1 diabetes (DILT1D): a non-randomised, open label, adaptive dose finding trial. BMJ Open 2014: 4: e005559 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005559
KC Herold, SE Gitelman, SM Willi, PA Gottlieb, F Waldron-Lynch, L Devine, J Sherr, SM Rosenthal, S Adi, MY Jalaludin, AW Michels, J Dziura, JA Bluestone. Teplizumab treatment improves C-peptide respones in subjects with Type 1 diabetes after the new onset period. Diabetologia. 2012 Oct 21. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 23086558
F Waldron-Lynch, O. Henegariu, S. Deng, P. Preston-Hurlburt, J. Tooley, R. Flavell, K.C. Herold. Teplizumab Induces Human Gut-Tropic Regulatory Cells in Humanized Mice and Patients. Science Translational Medicine 2012, 4, 118ra12. PMID: 22277969
F Waldron-Lynch and Kevan C. Herold Immunomodulatory therapy to preserve pancreatic beta cell function in type 1 diabetes. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2011.10 439-452. PMID: 21629294