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Cambridge Immunology Network


British Society for Immunology (BSI).

The BSI is one of the oldest, largest, and most active, Immunology societies in the world and is the largest in Europe. Our members are based all over the world, with the majority working in Britain. 

The BSI’s main objective is to promote and support excellence in research, scholarship and clinical practice in immunology for the benefit of human and animal health and welfare. The BSI seeks to help British Immunology accomplish the highest possible goals. To meet this objective, the BSI undertakes the following:

  • Running innovative events in research, public engagement and education
  • Promoting and disseminating research and good practice in Immunology, translational medicine and vaccination
  • Working with its members to develop the benefits of membership and the relevance of the Society
  • Providing bursaries and grants
  • Enhancing public awareness of immunology
  • Influencing policy and decision makers
  • Working with other societies

Here at Cambridge we have our BSI representative in Pathology. Dr Brian Ferguson is our contact.

Please see the BSI website

Blogging for the BSI

Blogging for the BSI is a great way to share your ideas and views to a familiar and like-minded audience. Maybe you have something interesting from your research that you'd like to share, been to an amazing conference or want to discuss a certain topic - Blogging is all about knowledge sharing, networking and having the opportunity to promote yourself in a positive and proactive way.

There are blogs already on the website and if you would like to talk to the BSI about starting a blog, guidelines and topics, please contact


International Eosinophil Society

The International Eosinophil Society, Inc. is an organization of scientists and clinicians interested in the eosinophil, a blood cell strongly associated with many diseases. The society sponsors biennial meetings to review new information about the eosinophil and its roles in health and disease.

The International Eosinophil Society, Inc. (IES, Inc.) has been established to bring together scientists around the world who are engaged in research in the field of Eosinophil Biology and Eosinophil Disorders with a view to facilitating exchange of ideas and information about this fascinating inflammatory cell type and its role in diseases.

The society holds a Biennial Symposium.  For information regarding upcoming symposia please visit here.

The website is