Cambridge Immunology Forum 2024: New concepts in innate immunity
Monday, 23 September 2024, 09:00 to 17:00
Queen's College, Cambridge
Registrations are open!
The BSI Cambridge Immunology Group and the Cambridge Immunology Network are excited to announce the next instalment of The Cambridge Immunology Forum, which has been running for 24 years and brings together researchers in both academia and industry to discuss current and future directions in immunology. Each meeting focuses on a single immunological theme and covers aspects from very basic science through to clinical application. These meetings have become the annual pinnacle event of the Cambridge immunology community, featuring many creative thinkers and renowned innovators in immunology.
This year’s meeting will focus on 'New concepts in innate immunity', bringing together world leaders in different aspects of this field.
Follow @bsicongress and @BSICambridge and check the event hashtag #BSICambridge24 for updates.
Fine out more: British Society for Immunology