Cambridge Immunology PhD and Postdoc Day 2016
Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Institute. Tuesday May 31st, 2016
Sponsored by Biolegend, Stemcell, Promega and Enzo Life Sciences
This year, we have key talks from:
- Prof. John Todd (CIMR)
- Dr Maike De La Roche (CIMR)
- Dr Iain Thompson (Cambridge Enterprise)
As well as our inspiring key talks, we are asking our PhD and Postdocs to present their research either as a short talk (10 mins+5 mins questions), poster or both. We have space for 12 talks and around 20 posters so will be treated as a first come first served basis. A call for presentations and how to register will be made in March.
As in past years, there will be a buffet lunch and a reception with Pizza and drinks. We will also have sponsor exhibitions and a chance to network at the coffee breaks.
This is a *FREE* event - please come along and enjoy the day!
- Name
- PhD or Postdoc?
- Any dietary requirements
- Are you bringing a poster?
- Are you speaking?
For more details, please contact the Immunology Coordinator, Dr Tammy Dougan