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Cambridge Immunology Network



I work as a Research Associate in the Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge. I am studying the role of antigenic and genetic diversity of dengue virus (DENV) in driving the long-term circulation and disease risk of DENV in Thailand. I am interested in the systems immunology, single-cell biology, metagenomics, statistical epidemiology, and mathematical modeling, with applications in arbovirus (e.g.

DENV) and emerging infectious diseases (e.g. A/H1N1, COVID-19). I was a Chargé de Recherche in the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Disease Unit, Institut Pasteur, and postdoc fellow in the School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong. I have a PhD in Electronic Engineering from Fudan University, MSc and BSc in Physics from Nankai University and Southeast University.



Departments and institutes: 
Person keywords: 
- Adaptive Immunity - Antibodies - Antibody Response - B Cell Receptor (BCR) - B Cells - Bioinformatics - Biostatistics - Fc Receptors - Genomics - Mathematical Models of the Immune Response - Memory Cells - Pathogen Ev