Supervisor: Dr Sarah Teichmann
Andrew Deonarine is completing a PhD in bioinformatics in Sarah Teichmann's group at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology at the University of Cambridge (as a member of Girton College). He is concurrently enrolled in the Clinician Investigator Program at the University of British Columbia (UBC), and is currently a fourth year resident the in Public Health and Preventative Medicine program at UBC. He completed a BSc (biochemistry and chemistry) and MSc (biochemistry) at Western University (Canada), his MD at the University of Toronto (Canada), and also completed an MHSc at UBC during which he researched biomedical ontologies at Stanford University with Mark Musen. Andrew's computational interests include the reconstruction of regulatory networks in immunology, data mining, and extracting meaningful information from next-generation technologies such as RNA-seq data. He also has interests in semantic analysis, text parsing, relational databases, medical informatics, and epidemiology.
Roberts EW, Deonarine A, Jones JO, Denton AE, Feig C, Lyons SK, Espeli M, Kraman M, McKenna B, Wells RJ, Zhao Q, Caballero OL, Larder R, Coll AP, O'Rahilly S, Brindle KM, Teichmann SA, Tuveson DA, Fearon DT. Depletion of stromal cells expressing fibroblast activation protein-α from skeletal muscle and bone marrow results in cachexia and anemia. J Exp Med. 2013 May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Hebenstreit D, Deonarine A, Babu MM, Teichmann SA. Duel of the fates: the role of transcriptional circuits and noise in CD4+ cells. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2012 Jun;24(3):350-8.