I’m a molecular biologist working on the parasite Schistosoma mansoni. My main research interest is the structure and function of IgE binding antigens in metazoan parasites, their role in protective immune responses and their relationship to known allergenic proteins.
I previously worked on the effects of fungal allergen proteases on airway epithelial cells, and their interactions with protease activated receptors.
Farnell E , Rousseau K, Thornton DJ, Bowyer P, Herrick SE. Expression and secretion of Aspergillus fumigatus proteases are regulated in response to different protein substrates. Fungal Biology. Elsevier Ltd; 2012 Aug 13;:1–10.
Zinsser VL, Farnell E, Dunne DW, Timson DJ. Triose phosphate isomerase from the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni: Biochemical characterisation of a potential drug and vaccine target. FEBS Letters. Federation of European Biochemical Societies; 2013 Sep 24;:1–6.