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Cambridge Immunology Network


Translating basic immunological discoveries into clinically useful tools

Cambridge has a long tradition of translating basic immunological discoveries into clinically useful tools. These include the Coomb's test, the discovery of monoclonal antibodies, particularly Campath, and the introduction of ciclosporin in transplantation (see history). This process continues. There are numerous collaborations between groups studying basic immunology and those working on more disease-associated subjects or in the clinics themselves. Translational research in Cambridge is facilitated by the Addenbrooke’s Centre for Clinical Investigation.

Cambridge BRC logo“Immunity, Infection and Inflammation” is a major theme of the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. It also forms a key component of a recently awarded Wellcome Trust Interdisciplinary Training Programme for Clinicians in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (with GSK). Collaborations between immunologists and the new CRUK Cancer Research Institute and the Institute of Metabolic Science are growing. In the near future the new LMB2 will take shape on the Addenbrooke’s Campus, housing both MRC immunologists and also and integrated University laboratories focused on translational immunology. In addition Papworth Hospital should soon be moving to the Addenbrooke’s site, with its strengths in inflammatory lung disease and both heart and lung transplantation.

Dr Jason  Ali
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Training Fellow
Dr Rachael  Bashford-Rogers
Group Leader
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford
Dr Helen  Baxendale
Consultant Clinical Immunology
 Joshua  Bernstock
MD/PhD Candidate NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program
Dr Louise  Boyle
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
Reader in Molecular Immunology
Professor Kevin   Brindle
Professor of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance
Senior group leader
Dr Mike R Clark
Retired (30th September 2014) as Reader in Therapeutic and Molecular Immunology
Dr Menna Clatworthy
Director, Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease (CITIID)
Professor of Translational Immunology
NIHR Research Professor and Professor of Translational Immunology
Honorary Consultant Nephrologist, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Associate Faculty Cellular Genetics, Wellcome Sanger Institute
Rev Professor Alasdair  Coles
Professor of Neuroimmunology
Professor Alastair  Compston
Professor of Neurology
Dr Maike  de la Roche
Sir Henry Dale Fellow and Group Leader
Dr Tammy  Dougan
Cambridge Cardiovascular Research Centres Manager
Dr Emilia Liana Falcone
NIH Cambridge scholar
Dr  Emilio  Fernandez-Egea
Clozapine Clinic Lead
Career Development Fellow
Dr Shaun  Flint
Translational Medicine and Therapeutics PhD Student
Dr Judith M Fonville
MRC Biomedical Informatics Fellow
Junior Research Fellow, Homerton College
Dr Cedric  Ghevaert
Senior Lecturer Transfusion Medicine
Professor Gillian M Griffiths
Director of Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
Professor of Clinical Microbiology
Dr Frances  Hall
Arthritis Research UK rheumatology lecturer
Photo of Prof Christoph Hess
Professor of Experimental Medicine
Photo of Dr David Jayne
Director of the Vasculitis and Lupus Service
Professor of Clinical Autoimmunity
Dr Joanne  Jones
Wellcome-Beit Prize and Intermediate Clinical Fellow
Dr Nicole  Kaneider
Wellcome Trust Clinical Career Development Fellow
Photo of Dr Kaser
Professor of Gastroenterology
Honorary Consultant Physician
Photo of Dr Paul Lyons
Principal Research Associate
Photo of Professor Eoin McKinney
Professor of Clinical Autoimmunity
Versus Arthritis Professor of Rheumatology
Dr Aladdin  Mohammad
Honorary Consultant, Vasculitis and Lupus Clinic, Cambridge University Hospitals
Dr Judit  Molnar
Investigator- Drug Discovery Biologist at GSK
 Komal  Nayak
Lab Manager in the group of Matthias Zilbauer
Dr Nurulamin  Noor
NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow
Professor Susan  Ozanne
Professor of Developmental Endocrinology
Director of Services NIHR Cambridge BRC Cell Phenotyping Hub
Professor of University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover (Apl.)
Mr Gavin  Pettigrew
Reader in clinical and experimental transplantation
Dr Stefano  Pluchino
University Reader in Regenerative Neuroimmunology
Honorary Consultant in Neurology
Professor Lalita  Ramakrishnan
Professor, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Professor Derek  Smith
Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics
Director, Centre for Pathogen Evolution
Dr Charlotte  Summers
University Lecturer
Dr Caroline  Trotter
Senior Lecturer
Dr Suzanne Dawn Turner
Reader in cellular and molecular tumour biology
Dr Chris  Wallace
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
Head of Statistics, Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory
Honorary Programme Leader - MRC Biostatistics Unit