Supervisor - Professor Clare Bryant
Comparison of the Pattern Recognition Receptor requirement of human and horse strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae
My interest lies in the pathophysiology of medical conditions, specifically the interactions between host and pathogen and the use of molecular signalling in the control of the innate immune response. Within this area I am interested in the relationship between the structure and function of proteins. I use comparative immunology and single molecule imaging techniques to characterise these relationships.
G. L. Thomas, C. M. Bohner, H. E. Williams, C. M. Walsh, M. Ladlow, M.Welch, C. E. Bryant, D. R. Spring. (2006) Immunomodulatory effects of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing small molecule probes on mammalian macrophages. Mol. Biosystems, 2, 132-137.