I am a bioinformatician with an MHC background.
Horton R, Gibson R, Coggill P, Miretti M, Allcock RJ, Almeida J, Forbes S, Gilbert JG, Halls K, Harrow JL, Hart E, Howe K, Jackson DK, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Sims S, Stewart CA, Traherne JA, Trevanion S, Wilming L, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S. Variation analysis and gene annotation of eight MHC haplotypes: the MHC Haplotype Project. Immunogenetics. 2008 Jan;60(1):1-18.
Yeo TW, De Jager PL, Gregory SG, Barcellos LF, Walton A, Goris A, Fenoglio C, Ban M, Taylor CJ, Goodman RS, Walsh E, Wolfish CS, Horton R, Traherne J, Beck S, Trowsdale J, Caillier SJ, Ivinson AJ, Green T, Pobywajlo S, Lander ES, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL, Daly MJ, Oksenberg JR, Hauser SL, Compston A, Hafler DA, Rioux JD, Sawcer S. A second major histocompatibility complex susceptibility locus for multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 2007 Mar;61(3):228-36.
Horton R, Coggill P, Miretti MM, Sambrook JG, Traherne JA, Ward R, Sims S, Palmer S, Sehra H, Harrow J, Rogers J, Carrington M, Trowsdale J, Beck S. The LRC haplotype project: a resource for killer immunoglobulin-like receptor-linked association studies. Tissue Antigens. 2006 Nov;68(5):450-2.
Traherne JA, Horton R, Roberts AN, Miretti MM, Hurles ME, Stewart CA, Ashurst JL, Atrazhev AM, Coggill P, Palmer S, Almeida J, Sims S, Wilming LG, Rogers J, de Jong PJ, Carrington M, Elliott JF, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S. Genetic analysis of completely sequenced disease-associated MHC haplotypes identifies shuffling of segments in recent human history. PLoS Genet. 2006 Jan;2(1):e9. Epub 2006 Jan 27.
Horton R, Wilming L, Rand V, Lovering RC, Bruford EA, Khodiyar VK, Lush MJ, Povey S, Talbot CC Jr, Wright MW, Wain HM, Trowsdale J, Ziegler A, Beck S. Gene map of the extended human MHC. Nat Rev Genet. 2004 Dec;5(12):889-99
Stewart CA, Horton R, Allcock RJ, Ashurst JL, Atrazhev AM, Coggill P, Dunham I, Forbes S, Halls K, Howson JM, Humphray SJ, Hunt S, Mungall AJ, Osoegawa K, Palmer S, Roberts AN, Rogers J, Sims S, Wang Y, Wilming LG, Elliott JF, de Jong PJ, Sawcer S, Todd JA, Trowsdale J, Beck S. Complete MHC haplotype sequencing for common disease gene mapping. Genome Res. 2004 Jun;14(6):1176-87.