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Cambridge Immunology Network



I am interested in the cross-talk of peripheral immune system and brain. My work focuses on rare and low-frequency inflammation and immune system genetic variations of TREM2, CLU and CR1, which are associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease.


Key publications: 

Dolton G, Lissina A, Skowera A, Ladell K, Tungatt K, Jones E, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Akpovwa H, Pentier J, Holland C, Godkin A, Cole D, Neller M, Miles J, Sewell A. Comparison of peptide-major histocompatibility complex tetramers and dextramers for the identification of antigen-specific T-cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 2014, 177 (1).

Estorninho M, Gibson V, Kronenberg-Versteeg D, Ni C, Cerosaletti K, Peakman M. Tracking antigen-experienced CD4 T-cells via tandem deep and shallow T-cell receptor clonotyping. Journal of Immunology, 2013, 191 (11).

Leung R, Simmons A, Proitis P, Guntert A, Kronenberg D, Pritchard M, Tsolaki M, Mecocci P, Kloszwska I, Vellas B, Soininen H, Wahlund LO, Lovestone S. Inflammatory proteins in plasma are associated with severity of Alzheimer's disease. PLOS One, 2013, 8 (6).

Knight RR, Kronenberg D, Zhao M, Huang GC, Bulek A, Woolridge L, Cole DK, Sewell AK, Peakman M, Skowera A. Human β-cell killing by autoreactive preproinsulin-specific CD8 T cells is predominantly granule-mediated with the potency dependent upon TCR avidity. Diabetes, 2013, 62 (1). 

Kronenberg D, Knight RR, Estorninho M, Ellis RJ, Kester MG, de Ru A, Eichmann M, Huang GC, Powrie J, Dayan CM, Skowera A, van Veelen PA, Peakman M. Circulating, preproinsulin signal peptide-specific CD8 T-cells restricted by the susceptibility molecule HLA-A24 are expanded at onset of Type 1 diabetes and kill β-cells. Diabetes, 2012, 61 (7).

Furney S, Kronenberg D, Simmons A, Guentert A, Dobson RJ, Proitsi P, Wahlund LO, Kloszewska I, Mecocci P, Soininen H, Tsolaki M, Vellas B, Spenger C, Lovestone S. Combinatorial markers of mild cognitive impairment conversion to Alzheimer’s disease – cytokines and MRI measures together predict disease progression. J Alzheimers Dis, 2011, 26 Suppl 3.

Dr Deborah  Kronenberg-Versteeg


Collaborator profiles: 
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Person keywords: 
peptide elutions
T cells
T cell receptor (TCR)