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Cambridge Immunology Network



The immune system plays a crucial role in the trajectory from obesity to metabolic disease. During my PhD I studied;

1) how obesity-induced inflammation is affected by pregnancy, a physiological state that skews the immune system towards tolerance and anti-inflammation.

2) how maternal high fat/high sucrose feeding during pregnancy and lactation affect the offspring ability to deal with a unhealthy diet later in life and their risk of developing obesity and metabolic disorders.

In my current Post doc position, we try to identify and characterise new genes important for metabolic homeostasis and development of obesity and metabolic dysfunction (insulin resistance, cardio-vascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/steatohepatitis etc). We screen genetically modified mice at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute for alterations in metabolic phenotypes and use the expertise in Prof. Toni Vidal-Puig's lab at Institute of Metabolic Science to elucidate the roles of the specific genes in metabolic performance.


Key publications: 

C Ingvorsen, AH Thysen, D Fernandez-Twinn, P Nordby, KF Nielsen, SE Ozanne, S Brix, LI Hellgren. Effects of pregnancy on obesity-induced inflammation in a mouse model of fetal programming. Int J Obes; 2014; 38(10); p. 1282-9

J Larsen, H Musavian, T Butt, C Ingvorsen, AH Thysen, S Brix. COPD and astma-associated Proteobacteria, but not commensal Prevotella spp., promote TLR2-independent lung inflammation and pathology. Immunology; 2014 (Epub ahead of print, PMID 25179236)