- P. falciparum merozoite:Red blood cell - A host-pathogen interaction required for the pathogenesis of malaria.
- Platelet:Platelet - The cellular interaction responsible for heart disease and stroke, two of the leading causes of human mortality.
- Sperm:Egg - The cellular interaction responsible for new life. Understanding this could lead to the development of novel contraceptives and fertility treatments.
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Bartholdson-SJ, Bustamante-LY, Crosnier-C, Johnson-S, Lea-S, Rayner-JC, Wright-GJ. "Semaphorin-7A is an Erythrocyte Receptor for P. falciparum Merozoite-Specific TRAP Homolog, MTRAP." PLoS Pathogens 2012 8 e1003031.
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Crosnier-C, Iqbal-Z, Knuepfer-E, Maciuca-S, Perrin-AJ, Kamuyu-G, Goulding-D, Bustamante-LY, Miles-A, Moore-SC, Dougan-G, Holder-AA, Kwiatkowski-DP, Rayner-JC, Pleass-RJ, Wright-GJ. "Binding of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface proteins DBLMSP and DBLMSP2 to human Immunoglobulin M is conserved among broadly diverged sequence variants." Journal of Biological Chemistry 2016 291 p14285.
Wanaguru-M, Crosnier-C, Johnson-S, Rayner-JC, Wright-GJ. “A biochemical analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Binding Antigen-175 (EBA175): Glycophorin-A interaction: implications for vaccine design.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013 288 p32106.
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Wright-GJ, Puklavec-MJ, Willis-AC, Hoek-RM, Sedgwick-JD, Brown-MH and Barclay-AN. “Lymphoid/neuronal cell surface OX2 glycoprotein recognises a novel receptor on macrophages implicated in the control of their function.” Immunity. 13 2000 p233.
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