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Cambridge Immunology Network



I am an Immunology post-doc with a research interest in tolerance, immune regulation and autoimmune/inflammatory diseases.

I undertook my PhD and first post-doc in Prof Hill Gaston's lab characterizing a novel subset of CD8+ regulatory T cells in patients with arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. More recently I worked in Ken Smith's lab on various projects relating to immune regulation and autoimmune models of disease.

As lab manager in Ken's lab I also took on a wider immunological interest as temporary Cambridge Immunolgy Coordinator for the Immunology Network prior to the appointment of Dr Tennie Videler, and enjoyed being involved in the running of the Immunology & Medicine seminar series and annual Cambridge Immunology Forum. I am currently taking a career break for childcare puropses.


Key publications: 

Clatworthy MR, Kettunen MI, Hu DE, Mathews RJ, Witney TH, Kennedy BW, Bohndiek SE, Gallagher FA, Jarvis LB, Smith KG, Brindle KM.Magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarized [1,4-(13)C2]fumarate allows detection of early renal acute tubular necrosis.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Aug 14;109(33):13374-9.

Kaur G, Goodall JC, Jarvis LB, Hill Gaston JS Characterisation of Foxp3 splice variants in human CD4+ and CD8+ T cells--identification of Foxp3Δ7 in human regulatory T cells. Mol Immunol. 2010 48(1–3):321–32.

Gaston JS, Jarvis LB, Zhang L, Goodall JC. Dendritic cell: T-cell interactions in spondyloarthritis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2009;649:263–76. Review. PubMed PMID: 19731636.

Zhang L, Jarvis LB, Baek HJ, Gaston JS. Regulatory IL4+CD8+ T cells in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and healthy controls. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009 68(8):1345–51.

Jarvis LB, Goodall JC, Gaston JS . Human leukocyte antigen class I-restricted immunosuppression by human CD8+ regulatory T cells requires CTLA-4-mediated interaction with dendritic cells. Hum Immunol. 2008 69(11):687–95.

Baek HJ, Zhang L, Jarvis LB, Gaston JS. Increased IL-4+ CD8+ T cells in peripheral blood and autoreactive CD8+ T cell lines of patients with inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008  47(6):795–803.

Jarvis LB, Matyszak MK, Duggleby RC, Goodall JC, Hall FC, Gaston JS. Autoreactive human peripheral blood CD8+ T cells with a regulatory phenotype and function. Eur J Immunol. 2005 Oct;35(10):2896-908.

Dr Lorna  Jarvis


Departments and institutes: 
Person keywords: 
enzyme assays
B cells
Fc receptors
immune regulation
T cells
regulatory T cells
cell culture
dendritic cells
T cell receptor (TCR)