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Cambridge Immunology Network



As a non-clinical researcher, my career has been dedicated to gaining insights into physiology through mathematical modelling and developing control algorithms, the step-by-step calculations that lie at the heart of the ‘artificial pancreas’ currently in development. I joined the University of Cambridge in 2004 to pursue his work on the ‘artificial pancreas’, a medical device that measures blood glucose levels on a minute-to-minute basis using a continuous glucose monitor, and transmits this information to a control algorithm, which instructs an insulin pump to release the required amount of insulin into the body. The work has substantive funding from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Diabetes UK, National Institute of Health, NIHR, and the European Commission. As a member of the JDRF’s Artificial Pancreas Consortium, I lead the development and testing of the ‘artificial pancreas’ in Type 1 diabetes. My current additional research interests include glucose control in the critically ill, the use of stable label tracers to probe glucose metabolism, and the development of virtual populations to supplement clinical testing of novel treatment modalities.


Key publications: 

Bally L, Thabit H, Kojzar H, Mader JK, Qerimi-Hyseni J, Hartnell S, Tauschmann M, Allen JM, Wilinska ME, Pieber TR, Evans ML, Hovorka R. (2017). Day-and-night glycaemic control with closed-loop insulin delivery versus conventional insulin pump therapy in free-living adults with well controlled type 1 diabetes: an open-label, randomised, crossover study. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017 Apr;5(4):261-270. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30001-3. Epub 2017 Jan 14. PMID:28094136.

Thabit H, Hartnell S, Allen JM, Lake A, Wilinska ME, Ruan Y, Evans ML, Coll AP, Hovorka R. (2017). Closed-loop insulin delivery in inpatients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised, parallel-group trial. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2017 Feb;5(2):117-124. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(16)30280-7. Epub 2016 Nov 9. PMID:27836235.

Tauschmann M, Allen JM, Wilinska ME, Thabit H, Acerini CL, Dunger DB, Hovorka R. (2016). Home Use of Day-and-Night Hybrid Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery in Suboptimally Controlled Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes: A 3-Week, Free-Living, Randomized Crossover Trial. Diabetes Care. 2016 Sep 9. pii: dc161094. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:27612500.

Stewart ZA, Wilinska ME, Hartnell S, Temple RC, Rayman G, Stanley KP, Simmons D, Law GR, Scott EM, Hovorka R, Murphy HR. (2016). Closed-Loop Insulin Delivery during Pregnancy in Women with Type 1 Diabetes. N Eng J Med. 2016 Aug 18;375(7):644-54, doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602494. PMID:27532830.

Thabit H, Tauschmann M, Allen JM, Leelarathna L, Hartnell S, Wilinska ME, Acerini CL, Dellweg S, Benesch C, Heinemann L, Mader JK, Holzer M, Kojzar H, Exall J, Yong J, Pichierri J, Barnard KD, Kollman C, Cheng P, Hindmarsh PC, Campbell FM, Arnolds S, Pieber TR, Evans ML, Dunger DB, Hovorka R; APCam Consortium; AP@home Consortium. (2015). Home Use of an Artificial Beta Cell in Type 1 Diabetes. N Engl J Med. 2015 Nov 26;373(22):2129-40. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1509351. Epub 2015 Sep 17. PMID:26379095PMCID:PMC4697362.

D. Elleri, J. M. Allen, K. Kumareswaran, L. Leelarathna, M. Nodale, K. Caldwell, P. Cheng, C. Kollman, A. Haidar, H. R. Murphy, M. E. Wilinska, C. L. Acerini, D. B. Dunger, and R. Hovorka. Closed-loop basal insulin delivery over 36 hours in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Randomized clinical trial. Diabetes Care (in press), 2012.

H. R. Murphy, D. Elleri, J. M. Allen, J. Harris, D. Simmons, G. Rayman, R. C. Temple, A. M. Umpleby, D. B. Dunger, A. Haidar, M. Nodale, M. E. Wilinska, and R. Hovorka. Pathophysiology of postprandial hyperglycaemia in women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy. Diabetologia 55 (2):282-293, 2012.

D. Elleri, J. M. Allen, M. Biagioni, K. Kumareswaran, L. Leelarathna, K. Caldwell, M. Nodale, M. E. Wilinska, C. L. Acerini, D. B. Dunger, and R. Hovorka. Evaluation of a portable ambulatory prototype for automated overnight closed-loop insulin delivery in young people with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr.Diabetes 13 (6):449-453, 2012.

H. R. Murphy, D. Elleri, J. M. Allen, D. Simmons, M. Nodale, and R. Hovorka. Plasma C-peptide concentration in women with Type 1 diabetes during early and late pregnancy. Diabet.Med. 29 (10):e361-e364, 2012.

A. Haidar, D. Elleri, J. M. Allen, J. Harris, K. Kumareswaran, M. Nodale, C. L. Acerini, M. E. Wilinska, N. Jackson, A. M. Umpleby, M. L. Evans, D. B. Dunger, and R. Hovorka. Validity of triple- and dual-tracer techniques to estimate glucose appearance. Am.J.Physiol Endocrinol.Metab 302 (12):E1493-E1501, 2012.

H. Thabit and R. Hovorka. Closed-loop insulin delivery in type 1 diabetes. Endocrinol.Metab Clin.North Am. 41 (1):105-117, 2012.